Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Tips to Cheer Up Depressed Pets!

What if later, you've been noticing your pet sleeps abnormally (more than usual), eats less, seems sad, and spends most of its time moping around the house. All these behaviors are totally opposite to his or her normal behavior. Without a doubt, you may start to worry! Depression is what your furry friend may be experiencing. This condition isn't dissimilar to that of humans.

You're used to seeing your pet happy because he or she is always there for you whenever you're down. The mere thought of seeing your furry friend crestfallen makes you sick. Now it's your turn to be there for him or her. How do you cheer up your best friend? What are some of the methods you can use?

If your pet is depressed, here are 8 strategies to use to cheer him/her up:

1. Spend ample time with your pet.

One of the most effective ways to cheer up pets is by spending more time with them, especially when they're depressed. Now, more than ever, he or she needs you - your undivided attention. Spending quality time together shows your pet how much you love and cherish him or her. To transit from the pits to his/her joyful, happy self, simply give your pet your support, care, and love.

2. Indulge your pet in outdoor activities

Whether you own a cat or a dog, taking him for a fun afternoon out in the park is an effective way of cheering him up. At first, the pet won't seem enthusiastic. However, as you two enjoy each other's company, you'll be surprised by how jovial he'll turn out to be. Some physical exercise, a change in surroundings, and some quality time with you will go miles to bring back enthusiasm in your pet.

3. Show your pet you're happy

Did you know pets and dogs are very intelligent when it comes to telling if you're happy, just by looking at your face? Consequently, when he's depressed, avoid frowning or showing him or her that you're sad. An effective way to cheer up your dog is by staying happy yourself.

4. Socialize your pet

Is your dog or cat depressed because he or she lost a companion or family member? If yes, then you need to take your pet to the park, or to a daycare center, where he or she can socialize with others. According to studies, animals enjoy same-species companionship. Therefore, you shouldn't hesitate to try out this strategy.

5. Reward your pet for positive behavior

This strategy is more of a positive reinforcement. When he or she shows any sign of getting over depression, you should give your pet a treat or pat on the head. It's important to note that you shouldn't be overly sympathetic as this will encourage others to remain depressed in order to enjoy the same attention. You need to show him or her how pleased you are anytime he or she eats meals properly or plays with you in the park.

6. Comfort your pet with favorite toys

Does your cat or dog have a favorite toy? A great way to cheer up your cat is by giving him or her toys to play with. Most pets have a tendency to find comfort in familiarity. They'll be more cheery if they are around their favorite toys.

7. Play him or her some music

In the same way, music calms and soothes human beings, most pet owners admit that music is also magical to pets. Surprisingly, you'll be able to lift up the mood of your pet by playing him or her some soothing music. Just ensure that the volume isn't too high. The last thing you want is to make things worse.

8. Take your pet out for a ride

This strategy works wonders especially if your pet enjoys going for rides. If possible, bring your entire family with you when stepping out for a ride. In addition to enjoying the family's company, he or she will also enjoy the fresh air.

Chances are very high that the depression affecting your pet will also affect you. Consequently, before the two of you sink into depression, you should act fast. You must find ways to cheer him or her up as soon as you can.
The above are some simple ways you can cheer up your lovely pets.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Foods to Keep Away From Your Dog

As dog lovers, we want to spoil our furry members of the family all the time. Especially when it comes to sharing the things we love with them. Unfortunately, not everything that is good for us is good for our pets too. Listed below is a series of foods to keep away from your dogs.

1. Chocolate (& Caffeine) - Now even if you have never had a dog of your own you probably know that chocolate is toxic to dogs. What you might not know is that this also extends to coffee and caffeine. All of these items come from cacao seeds, which contain methylxanthines. This has been known to cause numerous ill effects in dogs and even "death." They should be kept far away from your pets.

2. Grapes and Raisins - This one might not be as widely known, and that might be a result of the reason behind it being somewhat unknown as well, but grapes and raisins can cause "kidney failure" in dogs. It is best to avoid giving either of these to your dog at all.

3. Salt - When ingested in large amounts, salt can cause pets to have "excessive thirst and urination." This can lead to severe dehydration and even sodium ion poisoning, so it's best to limit the salty snacks you give your dogs. Some common salty snacks to watch out for can include pretzels, chips, popcorn etc.

4. Bread - This common table food can cause "bloating and twisting in your dog's stomach." This extends to all forms of bread, from sliced to baked. Also, when eating raw dough, the ethanol produced from the yeast can cause your dog to become drunk. Obviously, you do not want that so you are going to want to keep all forms of bread away from your pups.

5. Bones - Dogs are famously known for their love of bones, however, giving your dogs bones from the table can be very harmful to them. Certain bones like chicken and ribs are prone to breaking off easily. This can do "damage to your dog's throat going down and even choke them." The bones can also splinter off at any point going down, potentially damaging their insides and their stomachs. It is best to only give your dogs bones that were made especially for chewing on, like the kind you can find at your local pet store.

Do Dogs Get Emotionally Attached To You?

Dogs are said to be humans best friend. And undoubtedly, they are! They are always there when you need them and never let you feel alone. They can really lighten up someone's mood. Their love is endless. The world has witnessed many stories which tell us how a dog is incomplete without its parent.

"A man in New Jersey suffering from clinical depression read about the beneficial presence of dogs and brought a golden retriever home. He suddenly started feeling responsible and felt this strong need to live."

This is just one example. 'Dogs have been very faithful to humans since ages.'

It is seen that many times pet owners too develop a relationship with their pet, similar to that of a parent and child. This bond is called "Secure Base Effect".

Sometimes dogs are very cautious and careful in the beginning but they can sometimes be goofy and overdo it. But they will be fine once they get comfortable around you.

For most dogs, the attachment they feel towards their owner is fundamental to their well-being. It is studied that while dogs enjoy each other's company, human attention is what they crave. You may not realize when your dog gets too much attached to you, and that attachment becomes intense to an extent that if you leave your dog for even a day or two, they stop behaving normally. They stop playing. They stop eating. All they need that time is 'You'.

Puppies can sometimes get along with you immediately if you spend time with them and treat them well. It is very natural for a dog to bond with its owner and if both of them trust each other, then the process happens very quickly. And from there start a happy love story as with time that puppy becomes an irreplaceable part of your life.

Sometimes when dogs are in stress due to some reason they can become very clingy. Older dogs can also show clinginess and over attachment because of deteriorating senses. That is the time when you need to understand them well and take proper care of them. They need you at that time, and you should be there with them.

With all the love dogs give us, we should give them the same love in return. We should give them enough time, go on walks with them and play with them. Give them hugs and talk to them. It's a beautiful world with a Dog as a pet. Cherish that.

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